Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Hmelnov A. E.
Gachenko A. S.
Achievement of inaccurate river underwater topography model combination with above-water relief model // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2016. №2. . - С. 77-84.
Achievement of inaccurate river underwater topography model combination with above-water relief model
Исследование выполнено при частичной финансовой поддержке в рамках интеграционного проекта 4.10: «Разработка единых методических подходов в опреде- лении антропогенного воздействия на поверхностный водоем в зоне субакваль- ной разгрузки загрязненных бытовыми стоками грунтовых вод (на примере рай- она п. Листвянка) и грантов РФФИ № 16-07-00411_а, 16-57-44034_монг_а, 14-07-
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2016-2-77-84UDK: 004.5+528.9
This work is devoted to development of hybrid geoinformation system for making forecasts for areas of possible flooding in the downstream of the of the Irkutsk hydroelectric station with damages assessment in extreme water content conditions for lake Baikal and effluents of the Angara river.
For 3D model construction of the Angara’s bed they used Atlas “Map of the
Angara River in Irkutsk hydroelectric power station till 142 km on scale of 1:
10000” General plan of “Waterways of the East Siberian basin ", Irkutsk, 1994. Due to lack of a digital model (map), a paper-based map was digitized using vectorizer program Easy Trace 7.99. Depth contours, marks and bank lines were also digitized.
To combine the data about land and underwater relief a specific software
was developed using Delaunay triangulation method. For data layers their role in the construction of triangulation is specified. The layers contain information about: land relief, standing water levels, shore lines, underwater topography. To work with the underwater relief information about standing water levels is used. Auxiliary triangulation is made according to the data whereof further in- formation is revealed regarding heights levels to which shore lines contours are attached and in reference to which depths are measured.
As a result of the works execution according to evaluation of extreme floods under various cases of extreme water content in the basin of the Angara river and Lake Baikal hybrid geographic information system is made, which allows to simulate different scenarios of flooding and to determine the flood zones with account for underwater and land relief.
GIS, flooding, lake Baikal, river Angara, surface, 3-D model.
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