Бурятского государственного университета
имени Доржи Банзарова

Вестник БГУ. Гуманитарные исследования Внутренней Азии

Библиографическое описание:
Ань Ц.
Ли Л.
К проблеме о необходимости создания окружного суда в г. Манчжурия КНР // Вестник БГУ. Гуманитарные исследования Внутренней Азии. - 2015. №2. . - С. 34-39.
К проблеме о необходимости создания окружного суда в г. Манчжурия КНР
DOI: 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-2-34-39УДК: 342.56(510)
Today, from the perspective of positivism, the circuit trial system in China has now entered a period of comprehensive recovery and development; Look from the circuit trial system of the effect, it has the cha-racteristics of convenient, fast and efficient. And with the rapid development of modern tourism industry, tourism has become important way for recreation. And Manchuria is located in the China and Russia in the area in between The Three Kingdoms, advantageous geographical position, makes the manchurian this charm city have the international perspective. From Sanya, Zhangjiajie tourism circuit court appear larger advantage in tourism disputes, the author thinks that, Manchuria town need according to oneself development construction of tourism circuit court, and fully attaches great importance to the tourism circuit court in the role of dispute settlement mechanism. To this end, the author discusses the Manchuria town tourism conception of building a circuit court of the series of problems, hope to optimize the Manzhouli town tourist soft environment has a certain significance.
Ключевые слова:
Circuit trial system, tourism circuit court, Manchuria, China
Список литературы:
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