BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR IN REFLECTION OF HUMAN DESTINIES // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2023. №2. . - С. 50-56.
The article is devoted to the history of the Great Patriotic War, the breakthrough of the Leningrad Blockade, began in January 1943, and the examination of the most important military operations «Iskra» and «January Thunder», which played a key role in the liberation of the city on the Neva River from the Nazi invaders. The history of breaking the blockade is shown contrasted with the fate of two native Buryat brothers – participants of military actions, who by chance found themselves in the ranks of the Second Shock Army from the very first days of the war. They fought together in close proximity but never met each other in the course of military operations, did not learn about each other's whereabouts and died when breaking the blockade. The given example, in the author's opinion, demonstrates the fundamental inadmissibility of conflict resolution through mili-tary confrontation and the tragic consequences of military action for people and society, as well as for their past and future.
society, history, war, the Great Patriotic War, Leningrad blockade, Buryatia, operation «Iskra», operation «January Thunder», Badmayev Endon Purbuyevich, Pur-buyev Gunga Badmayevich.
List of references:
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