BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
From the Party-State Elite Strategy Choice Perspective the End of the Soviet System -- Read David Katz “From the top of the Revolution: the end of the Soviet system” // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №2. . - С. 46-52.
From the Party-State Elite Strategy Choice Perspective the End of the Soviet System -- Read David Katz “From the top of the Revolution: the end of the Soviet system”
According to the issue of the collapse of the Soviet Union’s System, the popular view is that the highly centralized political and economic system lead to economic collapse, as a result, the Soviet people gave up the confidence of the communist party. However, by reading the American scholar David’s work, he interviewed more than 50 former leaders; the author found that it was the communist party elites who turned over the foundations of Soviet System finally. Based on this view, this article tries understanding the col-
lapse of the soviet system from a perspective of the Soviet party-state elites’ political choice.
the Party-State Elites, the Soviet System, Reformation, Strategy Choice.
List of references:
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