Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Mavrov S.
Bulgarian Solar ritual // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №3. . - С. 35-41.
Bulgarian Solar ritual
DOI: 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-3-35-41UDK: 2-5(4-014)
In the sacral symbolism of the Bulgarian doctrine Tangrism (Tengrianstvo), stars – sons of Tan-gRA, and TangRa himself – the central star our Universe, star Alcyone (alpha) from constellation “Hen with chicks” or “Pleads”, as it is called today. Universe is defined as mother (hen) of all processes, stars and planets in it.
As sun pilgrims, Bulgarians have only one ritual which refers to the life-giving sunlight – Wel-come and Sending Sun. Sun is the conductor of the realization, of the Phylogenetic, Universe principle through its expansion in the Ontogenetic of our planetary chemical world. The ritual is performed at sunrise. In the Bulgarian Tangrism no other sacred rituals which have national character in the practice of people. All other rituals are connected with certain sacred characteristics: engagement, wedding, birth, christening, treatment and death – strictly domestic and internal rituals in practice kolobars.
Tangra, Hen with chicks, Pleads, Down, Kolobar
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