BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
The most ancient metal of the Western Transbaikalia: sources of nonferrous metallurgy // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №4. . - С. 20-25.
The most ancient metal of the Western Transbaikalia: sources of nonferrous metallurgy
In article are considered the problems of emergence of the first metal, using of copper and its al-loys with other metals which had high value in development of ancient society of the Western Trans-baikalia at the beginning of the second thousand BC. It is accepted to call this period an era of early metal – time of large changes in a production activity of mankind. In this article is given chronological comparison with the territory of the Middle East, from where started distribution of metal-bearing cultures to Eurasian continent. There are shown main monuments of archeology on the territory of Buryatia during an era of early metal and middle Bronze Age. In the cultural layers of that epochs fixed the products with copper and cupriferous alloys. There are given archaeological facts testifying local origin and the subsequent development of metallurgical production in the studied territory.
archeology, era of early metal, copper and bronze products, metallurgy, metal working, Western Transbaikalia.
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