BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia
Bibliographic description:
The contradictions of the internal life of trade unions in Buryatia (the second half of the 1920s) // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2016. №2. . - С. 56-63.
The contradictions of the internal life of trade unions in Buryatia (the second half of the 1920s)
In the present article the characteristic of the internal life of Buryatia trade unions in the second half of the 1920s, its quantitative and qualitative parameters are discussed. During this period, the trade unions of the Republic became a single, centralized system and perform functions for the protection of its members, to combat unemployment, work to increase wages. Along with the quantitative increase ACAS increased and work of аctivity: ordinary members participate in grassroots trade union meetings, talked about the problems of the trade union movement at the annual party conferences.
However, in the second half of the 1920s «сlassic» functions of the trade unions have become confined to agitation and propaganda of political tasks, workers' organizations to participate in the demonstrations, organization of cultural and leisure activities of workers. Increasingly, in-dependent activity ACAS caused criticism of the party leadership, manifested in the influence of trade unions on staffing policy. The result of the internal development of the trade unions has been the transformation of their political and ideological status that was folding mechanisms of subordination and control of party organs of labor unions.
trade unions, protection functions, workers, collective agreements, promotion of political objectives, party control over the trade-union
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