Бурятского государственного университета
имени Доржи Банзарова

Вестник БГУ. Образование. Личность. Общество

Библиографическое описание:
Лувсандорж Ц.
Дуламсүрэн Ж.
МОДЕЛЬ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ КАЧЕСТВА УЧЕБНОЙ ПРОГРАММЫ // Вестник БГУ. Образование. Личность. Общество. - 2017. №1. . - С. 33-40.
УДК: 378.141.4
We have witnessed various curriculum changes and then enormous planned curricula from time to time. In consequence, we have also wasted hundreds of tonnes of papers for producing and publishing them. Why? It is because of our beliefs towards curricu- lum development and our lack of our awarenesses in curriculum measurement, of course, our abusive behaviors displayed mostly abusing opportunities to contribute in changing curricula triggered by individual needs and social demands. In order to avoid the improper existed practices in curriculum development, we need any measure or de- vice which functions to measure the degrees of the consistencies of planned curricula aligned with desired standards and norms. Accordingly, it is inevitably asked how a planned curriculum measuring instrument (curriculum meter) is constructed. This article aims to present a regression equation which can function as a curriculum measuring de- vice or meter with a measurement rubric which enables us to assign number values of any indicators for each criterion for developing curricula. In order to fulfill the aim, we have developed a curriculum development model based on the rationales for actionism and emotional intelligence and then construct any planned curriculum measurement ru- bric composed of 75 indicators and 5 criteria to each of which either of scores from 1 to 5 is assigned by assessors. With the measuring rubric, we have collected data from the measurement of 50 curricula of 5 professions in the State University of Education. Us- ing SPSS 20, we have brought up a mathematical equation which serves as curriculum measurement device or meter.
Ключевые слова:
curriculum measurement, curriculum measurement device, curriculum meter.
Список литературы:
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