Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Matantseva M. B.
TEMPORAL ARCHITECTONICS OF DIALECTS: WORD-FORMATION ASPECT (exemplified by vocabulary of Transbaikal Old Believers’ dialects) // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №5. Филология. Philology. - С. 94-104.
TEMPORAL ARCHITECTONICS OF DIALECTS: WORD-FORMATION ASPECT (exemplified by vocabulary of Transbaikal Old Believers’ dialects)
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-5-94-104UDK: 811.161.1´373(571.54)
The article deals with the dialects of Transbaikal Old Believers (Semeiskie). We consider lexical and word formative archaisms of Proto-Slavic origin, which are characterized by preservation of ancient morphemic composition. This group in- cludes chronologically marked lexical units of three types: words that differ from the corresponding literary words by presence of other affixes, old derivating words with derivative formations as analogue in literary language, and ancient derivatives. The study of lexical and word formation archaisms as the fact of language structure sug- gests distinction of archaic vocabulary from the historical variants of Proto-Slavic lexical phenomena, which are not reflected in the modern literary language. These archaisms we refer to dialect vocabulary of Proto-Slavic origin, they have changed (lost, substituted, derived) suffix (prefixed tumors in the dialects of Transbaikal Old Believers have not been found) in Old Russian (and later) periods of language devel- opment. Proto-Slavic reconstruction, which goes back to the word, is continued by unchanged literary correspondence.
dialects of Transbaikal Old Believers, archaic vocabulary of Proto- Slavic origin, lexical-derivational archaisms, preserving the ancient structure of a word, changing the ancient morphemic composition.
List of references:
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2. Matantseva M. B. Arkhaicheskaya leksika v govorakh zabaikal'skikh staroobryadtsev [Archaic Vocabulary in the Dialects of Transbaikal Old Believers]. Ulan-Ude, 2001. 199 p.

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