Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Biology, geography

Bibliographic description:
Kozlova A. A.
SOIL DIVERSITY OF SOUTH PRE-BAIKALIA // BSU bulletin. Biology, geography. - 2017. №3. . - С. 33-39.
UDK: 631.48(572)
Variety of relief forms, rocks, climate, vegetation, originality of paleogeographical condi- tions predetermined the specific properties and regimes of soils in the landscapes of the Southern Baikal region, provided their soil diversity. The soils of the region have significant differences in morphology and properties when compared with similar soils in the European part of Russia, which is due to the features of genesis and evolution of soils. This greatly complicates the diagnostics and classification of the soils of the region, requires a thorough analysis of soil formation factors, the introduction of new approaches in the study of soils, their status and functioning, which is necessary for the development and organization of measures for the rational use, protection of soils and soil cover of the study area.
features of soil formation, specificity of soil properties and regimes, genesis and evolution of soils, soil diversity, diagnostics and classification.
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