Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Biology, geography

Bibliographic description:
Dorzhiev T. Z.
Badmaeva E. N.
Gulgenov A. Z.
BIRDS OF STEPPE LANDSCAPES AS OBJECTS OF ECOLOGICAL TOURISM // BSU bulletin. Biology, geography. - 2017. №3. . - С. 97-101.
UDK: 598.2:502.7(571.54)
Ornithological tourism is one of the most popular type of ecological tourism in the world. Baikal region is one of the promising places. Birdwatchers all over the world are interested in steppe avifauna of this region, because it represents avifauna of all Central Asia. Many species of birds, including native Siberian species are very attractive for Birdwatchers.
ecological tourism, ornithological tourism, birdwatching, Baikal region.
List of references:
Badmaeva E. N. Dinamika vidovogo sostava i naseleniya kulikov v letnii period v Yugo- Zapadnom Zabaikal'e [Dynamics of species composition and population of shorebirds in summer South-West Transbaikalia] // Vestn. Bur.GU, ser. 2 “Biologiya”. 2004. Vyp. 6. S. 182–184. Dorzhiev Ts. Z., Badmaeva E. N. Nevorob'inye ptitsy Non-Passeriformes respubliki Buryatiya: annotirovannyi spisok [Non-Passeriformes birds of the Republic of Buryatia: an annotated list] // Priroda Vnutrennei Azii, 2016. № 1. S. 7-60.

Dorzhiev Ts. Z., Meidzhe S., Dashanimaev V. M. Gnezdovanie khodulochnika, zalet maloi kukushki i drugie novye svedeniya o nekotorykh ptitsakh Baikal'skogo regiona [Breeding of black-winged stilt, aerial small cuckoos and other new information about some of the birds of the Baikal region] // Sovremennye problemy ornitologii Sibiri i Tsentral'noi Azii: Mat-ly II Mezhdun. ornitol. konf. Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo Bur.GU, 2003. Ch. 1. S. 85-89.

Dorzhiev Ts. Z., Dashanimaev V. M. Dopolnitel'nye svedeniya o slaboizuchennykh ptitsakh Baikal'skoi Sibiri [For more information about little-studied birds of Baikal Siberia] // Sov- remennye problemy ornitologii Sibiri i Tsentral'noi Azii: Mat-ly IY Mezhdun. konf. Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo Bur.GU, 2009. S. 66-70.

Maleev V.G. Struktura naseleniya i ekologiya vodoplavayushchikh i okolovodnykh ptits stepnykh ozer Yugo-Zapadnogo Zabaikal'ya [Population Structure and ecology of waterfowl steppe lakes in South-Western Transbaikalia]: avtoref…. kand. biol. nauk / V. G. Maleev. Ulan- Ude : izd-vo Buryatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2001. 17 s.