Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Biology, geography

Bibliographic description:
Ilicheva E. A.
INTRADELTAIC FLOW DISTRIBUTION OF THE SELENGA RIVER // BSU bulletin. Biology, geography. - 2017. №4. . - С. 64-73.
Исследования проводятся при частичной финансовой поддержке гранта РФФИ № 16-05-00286 «Природные процессы в устьевых областях притоков и на прилегающем побережье оз. Байкал в условиях естественных и антропогенных изменений» и гранта РФФИ 17-29-05052 офи_м «Экзоморфолитогенез устьев Байкальских притоков на современном этапе гидроклиматического цикла: моделирование и прогноз».
UDK: 556.5 (551.4)
The runoff of the Selenga River is considered under regulation period of Lake Baikal. The tendency of decrease in water content in the Selenga river basin is shown. The comparison of flow distribution in the main channels and sectors of the delta is conducted in low, aver- age and high water content periods. The discrepancy is identified in the balance of flow into the river network during observation period which is related to the geomorphological fea- tures of the subaerial delta. The study is based on a retrospective analysis of cartographic materials, an analysis of past years data and on results of 13 gauging stations, which are in- stalled on the main channels of the delta and prolong profiling of the channels. Morphomet- ric characteristics of the subaerial delta are presented. The main factors of deltaforming and runoff distribution are determined: water conditions, water and sediment runoff, sloping and channels morphometry, level regime of the receiving reservoir and tectonic manifestations. Dependence is shown for the last low-water period between the values of flow at the top of the delta, the Baikal level and the distribution of runoff by the delta sectors. To date, the trend of distribution of runoff along the marginal sectors of the delta is determined.
river runoff, water discharge, river network, delta, Selenga, Baikal.
List of references:
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Koryitnyiy L.M., Ilicheva E.A., Pavlov M.V., Amosova I.Yu. Gidrologo- morfologicheskiy podhod k rayonirovaniyu deltyi r.Selengi // Geografiya i prirodnyie resursyi, 2012. — №3. — s. 47-54.

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— 400 s.