Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Biology, geography

Bibliographic description:
Kobylkin D. V.
Vyrkin V. B.
Golubtsov V. A.
Kholboeva S. A.
AEOLIAN PROCESSES OF THE KHUDANSKAYA DEPRESSION (SELENGINSKOE UPLANDS) // BSU bulletin. Biology, geography. - 2017. №4. . - С. 74-82.
Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 16-35-00495 мол_а
UDK: 551.435.7 (571.5)
The paper presents the results of the complex geographical research of the Khudanskaya de- pression of the Selenginskoe Uplands, which aims to give a detailed description of the de- velopment of aeolian relief formation. The distribution, morphology and dynamics of aeoli- an forms are described with the use of geomorphological, radiocarbon, and soil-botanical methods of investigation, as well as satellite image interpretation. Development areas of bared, semi-fixed and fixed sands of the key area are identified. The prevalence of semi- fixed sands within the depression is revealed. The wind regime dynamics of the depression is summarized. The relationship of aeolian processes with the character of Quaternary sedi- ments, the specificity of the wind regime of the depression in different periods of the year, as well as the dynamics of several lake beds is analyzed. Based on radiocarbon analysis, it was found that the aeolian processes developed at least from the middle of the Holocene, are of an inherited nature. The activation of wind erosion in the 20th century was associated with mass plowing of the light-textured sabulous soils and overgrazings. At the present stage the aeolian processes have slowed down, only slight reconfiguration in drift forms are observed on the plan. There is a gradual consolidation of mobile sands and restoration of native vege- tation.
aeolian processes, aeolian relief forms, drift sands, wind regime, Khudanskaya depression.
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