Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Biology, geography

Bibliographic description:
Opekunova M. Y.
Tukhta S. A.
FLOODPLAIN-CHANNEL COMPLEXES OF KUDA-RIVER (UPPER ANGARA REGION) // BSU bulletin. Biology, geography. - 2017. №4. . - С. 107-115.
Работа выполнена в рамках программы НИР Института географии им. В. Б. Сочавы СО РАН (№ 0347-2016-0001) при частичной поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Иркутской области в рамках проекта №17-45-388070-р_а.
UDK: 911.6
The territory of the Kuda-river (the right tributary of the Angara River), located at the junc- tion of the Siberian platform and transitional to the Baikal rift zone by the morphological structure of the Onot Upland, underwent intensive anthropogenic influences, which caused the development of various types of river valleys. Analysis of the formation of different types of river valleys and the morphology of floodplain-channel complexes in heterogene- ous geodynamic and morphoclimatic environments makes it possible to identify both the specific nature of natural conditions and processes and the degree of manifestation of an- thropogenic factors. Morphological features of the floodplain-channel complexes of the ba- sin of the river are determined in the work. Kudy, the morphodynamic channel types are dis- tinguished and, using the analysis of different geoimages (topographic maps, cosmic and aerial photographs), the main types of channel deformations of the riverbed are established. Kuda. It is established that specific features of morphology and features of the development of river valleys, in particular floodplain-channel complexes, form within the boundaries of various geodynamic regions. Thus, within the Lena-Angara plateau, the morphological fea- tures of the bed and the floodplain are determined by the lithological composition of the rocks, when crossing structural elements within the Pre-Baikalian trough, fingerlike bends are formed. In the area of the Pre-Sayan trough, the bends of the loop-like and segment type are developed. The most anthropogenic transformation was floodplain-channel complexes of the Irkutsk-Cheremkhovo Plain.
basin of the Kuda-river, fluvial relief formation, river valleys, floodplain-channel complexes, river basin zoning, morphodynamic types of channels, karst, channel defor- mations, anthropogenic impact
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