Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Biology, geography

Bibliographic description:
Naprasnikov А. T.
EQUIFINALITY OF NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC GEOSYSTEMS // BSU bulletin. Biology, geography. - 2019. №4. . - С. 55-62.
DOI: 10.18101/2587-7148-2019-4-55-62UDK: 911.2
This paper outlines the formation scenario for natural and economic systems as the factor of their limit condition. Any natural conditions are characterized by limiting dimensions and by maximal intensity. In geosystems, their adaptation to external effects and development end in the limit, and the attainment of a full harmony with the climate is followed by the degradation or renewal. These statements serve as the substantiation of their limit condition and the potential of economic development. They were complemented by the law of the physical-geographical process and the principle of complementarity. On the whole, for the biological sphere (131.4 mil. km2) the limit was assessed at 32.4 mil. km2. It is the limit of development of large natural complexes. Their total value is considerably larger. The limit also substantiates the mass and energy balances of lands under cultivation. Therefore, the geographical limit can be treated as a maximal function of the interaction of separate landscapes with the climate. In the late 20th century, the areas of a number of cultivated and reserve lands on the globe have already exceeded the geographical limit (34.81 mil. km2). For instance, the lands under irrigation reached 1.11 mil. km2, which is equal to irrigation of subtropical desert lands, 1.06 mil. km2. These landscapes have now been developed by man and are totally transformed. A further expansion of irrigated lands is undesirable. Further, an analysis is mad of not only theoretical but also practical research on sustainable land management.
geographical limit; succession; climax state of landscape; physical-geographical process; cultivable lands.
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