Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Biology, geography

Bibliographic description:
Babikov V. A.
THE UNIQUE BUTTES — BAYDONOVSKIYE (NIKOLAEVSKIYE) STOLBY // BSU bulletin. Biology, geography. - 2021. №2. . - С. 40-49.
DOI: 10.18101/2587-7143-2021-2-40-49UDK: 502.72(571.54)
The article presents information about a unique air-borne geological object — Baydonovskiye (Nikolaevskiye) Stolby, located within the northern macroslope of the Tsagan-Daban Ridge. We have revealed the natural conditions and the origin of these oddly shaped buttes, as well as their tourist and recreational value. The study is based on the mate- rial of reports of the researches of Geological Institute SB RAS, the literature on the origin of buttes under the influence of various exogenous processes in different parts of the world. We recommend to grant the status of a nationally significant natural monument to this object and to study it further as an object of year-round active tourism.
The article presents information about a unique air-borne geological object — Baydonovskiye (Nikolaevskiye) Stolby, located within the northern macroslope of the Tsagan-Daban Ridge. We have revealed the natural conditions and the origin of these oddly shaped buttes, as well as their tourist and recreational value. The study is based on the mate- rial of reports of the researches of Geological Institute SB RAS, the literature on the origin of buttes under the influence of various exogenous processes in different parts of the world. We recommend to grant the status of a nationally significant natural monument to this object and to study it further as an object of year-round active tourism.
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