Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Economy and Management

Bibliographic description:
Lubsanova N. B.
Maksanova L. B.
Bardakhanova T. B.
Mikheeva A. S.
Sadykova E. T.
METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSING THE GREEN VECTOR OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT // BSU bulletin. Economy and Management. - 2022. №4. . - С. 78-89.
Исследование выполнено в рамках государственного задания Бай- кальского института природопользования СО РАН № АААА-А21-121011590039-6 (мнемо-код 0273-2021-0003).
DOI: 10.18101/2304-4446-2022-4-78-89UDK: 332.12, 338.24
In a period of changes in the global climate agenda, an increase of anthropogenic pressure on the territory new approaches and concepts for managing regions are needed. One of the most important tools for maintaining the balance of two vectors of regional de- velopment — economic growth and environmental protection — is the green economy. We have attempted to develop a methodology for researching and evaluating the features of the formation of regional policy in line with the trajectories of transition to a green economy on the example of the regions of North Asia. The proposed approach includes an assessment of the environmental efficiency of regional development based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) and content analysis of strategies for socio-economic development of regions to de- termine the degree of inclusion of objectives, priorities, lines of economic growth and tools of green economy and its concepts into strategic development plans. We have carried out calculations using the proposed methodology on the example of 22 Russian regions of North Asia. The article presents a comparison of the results of content analysis of strategies for so- cio-economic development in regions with the estimates of environmental efficiency of re- gional development. Based on the assessments obtained we have identified the existing pat- terns and correlation between the current state of the ecological trajectory of socio-economic development of regions and the green orientation of regional policy.
green economy, North Asia, socio-economic development strategies, regional development, environmental efficiency.
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