Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Economy and Management

Bibliographic description:
Belinskaya I. V.
Karandashova I. V.
Makarenko E. A.
CONCEPTUALIZATION OF ORGANIC WASTE RECYCLING // BSU bulletin. Economy and Management. - 2023. №2. . - С. 48-56.
DOI: 10.18101/2304-4446-2023-2-48-56UDK: 339.187.4: 658.272
To date, recycling technologies, i. e. reuse of resources, are of high priority not on- ly from an environmental, but also from an economic perspective. On the one hand, this is due to the growth of consumption in society and, accordingly, an increase in waste, the dis- posal of which is an important environmental task. On the other hand, the concept of "lean production" involves the elimination of waste at all stages of the production process, and unused waste is a type of losses, as it does not form the income of companies. One of the ar- eas of application of recycling technologies is the activities of public catering enterprises and chain grocery stores, since their activities include the consumption of large volumes of organic and inorganic waste. Currently, the vast majority of this type of waste requires re- covery, and this significantly exceeds their potential resource. At the same time, agricultural enterprises specializing in livestock products are experiencing difficulties in acquiring highquality crude protein, which is the basis for the production of animal feed. An integrating mechanism for meeting the commercial interests of various stakeholders is the creation of centers for processing waste into feed, based on the technology of recycling.
organic waste, animal feed, public catering enterprise, chain stores, recycling technologies, production costs, crude protein, food security.
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