Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Economy and Management

Bibliographic description:
Ayusheeva S. N.
Mikheeva A. S.
Botoeva N. B.
Modern Integration Processes in the Territory of The Great Silk Road and The Tea Road // BSU bulletin. Economy and Management. - 2017. №2. . - С. 21-27.
Modern Integration Processes in the Territory of The Great Silk Road and The Tea Road
DOI: 10.18101/2304-4446-2017-2-21-27UDK: 338:504
The article systematize the main problems of nature management and ecological integration processes in implementing The Great Silk Road and The Tea Road projects at Russian-Chinese and Russian-Mongolian transboundary territories. We evaluate positive (socioeconomic development, preservation of an ecological framework of the territories, social advancement) and negative impacts (ecological conflicts) of ecological and economic integration on environment. Modern integration processes in the territorial development of the subregions of Asian Russia and the adjacent territories of Mongolia and China are considered. We have analyzed the institutional documents regulating use, protection and reproduction of the jointly managed resources.
environmental protection; international environmental integration; study of integration processes.
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