Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Economy and Management

Bibliographic description:
Bardakhanova T. B.
Eryomko Z. S.
Problems of the Water Sector in the Economic Belt of The Great Silk Road (international experience of state support) // BSU bulletin. Economy and Management. - 2017. №2. . - С. 28-34.
Problems of the Water Sector in the Economic Belt of The Great Silk Road (international experience of state support)
DOI: 10.18101/2304-4446-2017-2-28-34UDK: 330.15
The article presents the results of the project by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development "Improvement in the Use of Economic Instruments for Water Resources and Water Complex Management in the Republic of Buryatia (Lake Baikal basin)". The work aims at assessment of the possibilities of applying international experience of state support to the water sector in Russia and in other countries within the sphere of influence of the northern economic corridor of The Great Silk Road. Based on the experience of foreign countries (Austria, USA, Sweden, etc.), we have shown the role of public support in development of water management complexes and water resources management. Along with above mentioned the article reviews the prerequisites for applying the best world practices in the considered region and identifies the main directions for improving the water management system in this context.
state support; subsidies; subventions; economic instruments; restricted funds; state revolving funds.
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