Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Philology

Bibliographic description:
Abaeva A. T.
ADJECTIVES WITH THE MEANING "THIN" IN THE BURYAT AND KOREAN LANGUAGES (nimgen and 얇다 yalbta) // Bulletin of BSU. Philology. - 2022. №1. . - С. 3-12.
DOI: 10.18101/2686-7095-2022-1-3-12UDK: 8.81
Based on the fact that Buryat and Korean belong to the same language family, we have studied the direct and figurative use of adjectives of size in these languages. As the languages of the Altaic family, Buryat and Korean have similarities in morphologi-cal terms. But with that said, the lexical composition of these languages has not been sys-tematically analyzed before this study. In both languages, the compatibility of adjectives of size and shape directly depends on the configuration of the object, its topological type. The study is aimed to consider the adjectives with the meaning ‘thin’ (for flat objects) in Buryat and Korean: ‘нимгэн’ and ‘얇다’ yalbta. The research is based on electronic corpora and dictionary entries. Using the method of comparative analysis, we have con-sidered the most common phrases with nouns of the topology of “layer”, which demon-strate similar compatibility and are easily translated from one language to another. We have analyzed the use of these adjectives in both direct and figurative meanings, as well as set phrases with these words. A comparative analysis of the adjectives of both languages has shown the similarities of their use as in direct, so in figurative meanings, and also in their semantic structures.
the Buryat language, the Korean language, adjectives, size, “thin”, a compara-tive analysis.
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