Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Philology

Bibliographic description:
Kirilenko S. V.
CAUSES OF LANGUAGE CONFLICTS IN THE POLYETHNIC SPACE // Bulletin of BSU. Philology. - 2022. №3. . - С. 16-21.
The study was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the German Research Community within the framework of the research project No. 21-512-12002 NNIO_a “Forecasting Methods and Future Scenarios for the Development of Language Policy (the case of multilingual Russian Federation)”.
DOI: 10.18101/2686-7095-2022-3-16-21UDK: 81’27
The article considers the language conflict and language confrontation as sociolinguistic
phenomena, analyzes the factors that influence the emergence of conflict attitudes
among speakers of the language community. It is presented an overview of the reasons for
a language conflict: the influence of the language policy, the clash of interests of the elites
of the language community, the policy of linguocide, language purism, and the increased
intensity of language contacts in a polyethnic space. We have considered both provoking
factors and direct triggers of the language conflict, and identified the stimuli accompanying the
emergence of the language conflict in a language community, which can later be analyzed as
markers for measuring the conflict potential of the language community under consideration.
The article describes a two-component technique that can act as a tool for measuring anxiety
among groups of speakers.
language conflicts, language contacts, conflict potential, language policy, language planning.
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