Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Philology

Bibliographic description:
Serebryakova Z. A.
Chimitova I. Z.
CHARACTERS OF THE NOVEL "CURRENT" BY Ts.-Zh. ZHIMBIEV IN THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT // Bulletin of BSU. Philology. - 2023. №2. . - С. 16-22.
DOI: 10.18101/2686-7095-2023-2-16-22UDK: 821.512.31
The novel genre is characterized by the priority of personality. It was inherent in any national novel of the Soviet era, including the Buryat novel. Based on the novel "Cur-rent" by Ts.-Zh. Zhimbiev, the article analyzes the problem of the characters’ existence in a historical context. Developing the concept of personality that had been formed in Buryat literature by the time the work was written, the author first in national novelistics repre-sented a collective farmer Serentsa as the central character, showed the beauty and great-ness of her personality, as well as revealed the individual traits of other heroines, their fates. We can trace the selfdom of the majority of characters in dynamics, temporal and spatial concreteness, in close connection with the life of the collective farm, native land, and the whole country. Thorough knowledge of the life and mentality of the native people, respect and love for the working person, talent and skills determined the authenticity and artistic persuasiveness of the narrative, the accuracy of reflecting the major events of national his-tory through the prism of the characters' lives, their thoughts and feelings. In this context, the moral measure is, above all, Serentsu’s system of values.
history, historical context, modernity, event, personality, people, country, liter-ature, Buryat novel, character.
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