Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Philology

Bibliographic description:
Zhao Z.
THE CATEGORY OF POLITENESS IN MODERN LINGUISTICS // Bulletin of BSU. Philology. - 2024. №1. . - С. 28-35.
DOI: 10.18101/2686-7095-2024-1-28-35UDK: 81-114
The article examines common theories of politeness that differ from the classical one. Based on the comments on these theories of politeness provided in the article, it can be concluded that there is still no perfect and effective theory of politeness that can be successfully applied in practice. However, we believe that it is possible to construct a predictive the-ory of politeness, as there is an empirical basis in our consciousness preceding our evaluations of politeness; however, we do not support prescriptive theories of politeness, but aim to develop a theory of politeness "from the bottom up", based on the data obtained. We agree with J. Lich's point of view that any polite communication implies that the speaker takes into account both individual and group values. Therefore, we are optimistic about the creation of a universal model of politeness and believe that the future direction of theoretical develop-ment will be the integration of theories that have advantages of both classical theory and dis-cursive methods.
theory of politeness, different views on politeness, discursive approach to politeness, M. Terkurafi's frame approach, development of politeness theory in the future
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