Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Bulletin of BSU. Philology

Bibliographic description:
Imikhelova S. S.
THE THEME OF CREATIVITY AND THE IMAGE OF THE ARTIST IN TUVA AND BURYAT PROSE OF THE 1960s–1970s // Bulletin of BSU. Philology. - 2024. №1. . - С. 72-80.
DOI: 10.18101/2686-7095-2024-1-72-80UDK: 82.2(09)
The article examines works by Tuvinian and Buryat writers about the artist and his creativity, written in the 1960s–1970s in various genres of the epic form. The characters portrayed in them are creative personalities in whom the writers embody their ethno-cultural aesthetic experience, the ability to elevate the theme of homeland to the level of national and universal cultural experience. According to the author of the article, the thematicization of the creative process is revealed in a work where the author answers the eternal question about the role of art and the artist in the life of the people, which allows raising questions about one's aesthetic beliefs, the nature of creativity, talent. The works of these years about the artist and his creativity by M. Kenin-Lopsan, A. Darzhay, A. Balburov, and V. Mitypov are analyzed. The lyrical, elevated-poetic style in the narrative about the formation of the creative hero is considered a distinctive feature of Tuvinian prose. In the novel "The Dance of the Capricorn" by M. Kenin-Lopsan, the author reproduces the image of a young sculptor hero whose creative development is reflected in his main work about the sacred beauty of his native land. In the novel "Valley of the Immortals" by V. Mitypov, an insert text of the hero-writer is highlighted, containing his reflection on the value of native lands, which should not contradict the main value – the life and well-being of the people. It is asserted that in Tuvinian and Buryat prose, the nature of the artist's talent, aware of his destiny, lies in duty to his homeland and people, and only in such cases can artist heroes become creators of genuine artistic creations. The poetic speech of the narrator and the artist-hero reveals the consciousness of a creative personality with a special figurative worldview in the Buryat and Tuvinian novels of the 1960s–1970s.
artist's image, destiny of the creative personality, love for the native land
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