Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Bakshikhanova S.
PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR CORRECTION SPEECH DISORDERS OF BILINGUAL CHILDREN // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №1. Педагогика. Pedagogy. - С. 172-177.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-1-172-177UDK: 37.018.4
The article deals with the problems of organizing remedial and developing process
aimed at overcoming speech disorders of primary school children under conditions
of Buryat-Russian bilingualism. Bilingualism complicates the manifestations of severe
speech disorders.
Bilingual children with speech defects need adequate care and speech therapy. To
overcome the existing educational deprivation special pedagogical conditions for
these children were developed and implemented. They include introduction of a
propaedeutic course for learning a second language (Buryat / Russian) in remedial
and developing process; logopedic help for Buryat-speaking children based on
communicative principles and complex thematic learning of the Russian language;
use of bilingualism educational resources, which determines mutual adaptation and
dialogue of different cultures and contributes to formation of necessary social and
psychological competencies for life in multiethnic cross-border region.
Buryat-Russian bilingualism, overcoming of speech defects, functionalstructural
model, bilingual education, children with severe speech disorders.
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