Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Botoev I. K.
Zhantsanova M. G.
TOWARDS JAPANESE WRITING SYSTEM // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2017. №6. Филология. Philology. - С. 99-105.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2017-6-99-105UDK: 811.521‌
As a matter of fact, the Japanese language has the unique writing system, which consists of the characters, adopted from China in ancient times (kanji) and two kinds of original Japanese letters – hiragana and katakana. The problem of “kanji” using has been discussing in Japan for a long time. Renounce of hieroglyphic writing in view of its complexity and replace it with other alternative types of writing is the most discussed aspect of this problem. In modern Japan all the activities, concerning the writing system, are carried out under the direct supervision of the relevant public authorities, and their results are documented in the form of various decrees and or- ders of the Japanese Government. So, on November 30, 2010 the Cabinet of Minis- ters of Japan issued a decree titled as "Using of Kanji in the Official Documenta- tion", which defined new "Characters List for Everyday Using" and "Rules of Oku- rigana Writing". This article analyzes the situation with hieroglyphic writing in Jap- anese society at the beginning of the 21st century, and the viewpoint of the famous Japanese linguist Katsuhiko Tanaka, who is one of the consistent supporters of char- acter’s abolition. Dr. Tanaka in his research papers of 2011 gives the strong argu- ments, that the writing system of modern Japanese, exactly characters (kanji), im- pedes development of the language.
the Japanese language; characters (kanji); the situation with writing system; Japanese government; language policy.
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