Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Kharanutova D. S.
To the problem of demonyms origin‌ (exemplified by demonyms of Buryatia residents) // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №2. Филология. Philology. - С. 62-67.
To the problem of demonyms origin‌ (exemplified by demonyms of Buryatia residents)
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-2-62-67UDK: 811.161.1`36
The article deals with the problem of demonyms (words to identify residents or natives of a particular place). We considered demonyms of the Buryat Republic as a part of the Russian system of denonyms. The mechanisms and models of regional demonyms formation were studied and the reasons for discrepancies between names of localities (place names) and demonyms were revealed. To analyze using of demonyms by residents of Buryatia we developed a questionnaire survey. The results of a survey have revealed that the majority of respondents know demonyms- nouns and use the established forms of demonyms, which have been formed not by the existing rules. Native language experience and observation of other native Russian’s speech in our region showed that in colloquial speech they often use substantivized adjectives (Selendumskie, Kalininskie, Ekhe-Tsaganskie, Sotnikovskie, Oshurkovskie et al.). On the basis of the collected material and potential regional demonyms we identified the most repeated affixal methods of forming Buryat demonyms.
word-formation models, regional demonym, place names, dictionaries of demonyms, potential demonyms.
List of references:
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5. Slovar' nazvanii zhitelei RSFSR [Dictionary of the RSFSR Demonyms]. Moscow: Sovetskaya entsiklopediya Publ., 1964. 400 p.

6. Slovar' nazvanii zhitelei SSSR [Dictionary of the USSR Demonyms]. Moscow: Russkii yazyk Publ., 1975. 616 p.