Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Tikhonova E. L.
Toponymic nomination as a landmark in the communicative space (on the example of folk prose) // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №2. Филология. Philology. - С. 223-230.
Toponymic nomination as a landmark in the communicative space (on the example of folk prose)
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-2-223-230UDK: 398.22(571.54)
The article deals with the functionality of toponyms in the structure of historical and toponymic legends of the Buryat Republic Russian population. We highlight a number of functions typical for toponym as a phenomenon of language and as a folklore phenomenon. The place-name in a folk text, on the one hand, actualizes the living space of the folk character, on the other, marks the most significant and memorable for the bearers of traditions geographical objects. The nam- ing of these objects in folklore has a double function: they become landmarks in the communi- cative space for the characters of folklore texts and also for the narrators of these texts. So we have concluded that in folklore text the functions of toponyms are diverse (toponym is polyfunctional) and significant. The functional significance of toponyms indicates the im- portance of toponymic motifs for the folk traditions of East Siberia, as well as for its history. Al- so we have revealed that the place-name in the folk text is a landmark not only in the communi- cative space of people, but also in time, i.e. in essence it is a real chronotope.
language toponym, folklore toponym, toponymic legends, function, chronotope.
List of references:
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4. Toponimicheskii slovar' etnicheskoi Buryatii [Toponymic Dictionary of Ethnic Buryatia]. Ulan-Ude: ESSACA Publishing and Printing Complex, 2007.

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