Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Danchinova M. D.
Dream poetics in oral prose of the Buryats // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №2. Филология. Philology. - С. 231-238.
Dream poetics in oral prose of the Buryats
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-2-231-238UDK: 82.3(Рос=Буря)
In the article we considered some poetic features of oral prose basing on the analysis of compositions created by the Western (Alarsky) Buryats, who practice shamanism. In our focus are not properly ritual activities, but aesthetic and philosophical aspects. We analyzed some works of oral folklor, and revealed the common characteristics in spiritual culture of the whole nation. Despite the processes of universalization in the contemporary society, the worldview, presented in some oral stories about miraculous dreams, still reflects traditional features of the Buryat mentality. Stories reveal original culture, which is expressed both in religious-confessional terms, and in the unique spiritual form of a person communication with the whole natural world. Mythological picture of the world in an oral story shows the deep foundations of the Buryat cul ture in general.
oral prose, shamanism, space-time continuum, conventionality, mentality, picture of the world.
List of references:
1. Personal archive of M. D. Danchinova.

2. Petri B. E. Vselennaya sibirskogo shamana. Istoriya. Legendy. Obryady [The Universe of Siberian Shaman. History. Legends. Rites]. Irkutsk, 2014. P. 328.

3. Sarangerel. Zov shamana: Drevnie traditsii i dukhovnye praktiki [Call of Shaman. Ancient Traditions and Spiritual Practices]. Moscow, 2003. P. 366.

4. Tylor E. B. Primitive Culture. Cambridge University Press, 1987.

5. Eliade M., Kuliano I. Slovar' religii, obryadov i verovanii [Dictionary of Religions, Rituals and Beliefs]. Moscow, St Petersburg, 1997, 415 p.