Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Tsyrenov B. D.
Intercalation and transcalation in the modern Buryat language // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №2. Филология. Philology. - С. 10-16.
Intercalation and transcalation in the modern Buryat language
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-2-10-16UDK: 81=512.31
Sociolinguistic research of the Buryat language concerns the following aspects: problems of the language preservation, its vitality, inclusion in one or another sphere of communication, use in various fields of human activity, its popularity. This article is an attempt to determine the influ- ence of the Russian language on different levels of the Buryat language: on the lexical level, word-forming system of the Buryat language, the features of introduction Russian syntagmas of different length in colloquial speech and the facts of calquing on the syntax level. This work precedes a large project, aimed at determining the degree of the Russian language influence on the Buryat language. For a more understanding of divergent phenomena in speech of the Russian Buryats, we will compare it with the speech of the Shenekhen Buryats.
the Buryat language, language interaction, linguistic borrowing, calquing, symmetrical calques; asymmetric calques; speech clichés, divergence, convergence; intercalation; transcalation.
List of references:
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