Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Sirotkin Y. L.
SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM IN THE POST-MODERN PARADIGM: J. DERRIDA (1930–2004) // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2021. №3. . - С. 36-46.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2021-3-36-46UDK: 130. 2
The article deals with the original ideas about space-time and their correlation. Analytics of time-space in the legacy of J. Derrida is incorporated into the general content of ideas about space-time continuum in the postmodern discourse. We note the uniqueness of time-space analysis in the post-non-classical paradigm of humanitarian knowledge (re- jection of the finite-infinite opposition, dispersion of space, elimination of causality, verbal discourse as a history of meaning, dominance of the present, overcoming sociality, a varie- ty of structures of space-time perception, their anthropological nature, categorization of the private space).
J. Derrida proceeds from the statement about the absence of objective time and its exist- ence in the stream of consciousness, this suggests that time has the anthropological nature. The fundamental thesis is about the consciousness of internal time. Anthropologism of time-space presupposes dominance of the present. Human life takes place in the present, it is in his mind. Life in the present is presence. We consider the dynamics and the structure of the present, the interpretation of correlation between time and space, in which time folds space. Nevertheless, there is a multiplicity of transitions of space in time and time into space. We pay attention to the judgment about space as an action of thought and language. The text corresponds to the concept of space. We discuss the definition of time-space through an imprint (a trace). A trace appears in the time of becoming and the space of difference. An attempt to achieve certainty in the de- scription of space-time constructs is achieved by Derrida by substantiating the concept of "différance", which meaning is transferred to the characteristics of the space-time continu- um. Trace, difference, writing, presence are nodes of articulation and become a means of comprehending time and space. It is emphasized that the experience of gaining space-time begins with the writing of difference as a material of the trace. The conceptual construct is enriched with the concept of anticipation-retention; anticipation is in priority as an attempt to preserve time as a fundamental passivity. The passivity of a trace is constituted in rela- tion to time when there is doubt about the adequacy of the description of the trace structure.
время, пространство, самоотношение, различение, различАние, след, письмо, наличие.
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