Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Strekalovskaya M. M.
DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOLER'S SUBJECT POSITION IN GAMES IMITATING ADULT LABOR // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №4. Педагогика. Pedagogy. - С. 36-44.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-4-36-44UDK: 373.2
The article presents a study of developing education for preschool children. We reveal the influ- ence of systemic knowledge about adult labor on development of preschoolers’ games and their position as subjects of game activity. The research show that every new level of assimilating systemic knowledge about adult labor lead to formation of a new level of reflective children games. The corresponding systemic knowledge are resulted first in object plays, then in socio- dramatic plays. Further, children master individual role-playing games, and, finally, collective role-playing games of one group of children and several subgroups. At the same time subject position of children evolves from conscious generalized game actions to collective games, and then from conscious role communication to real.
The control phase of the study allow us to speak about formation of the basic characteristics of subject position in senior preschool children of experimental group, in particular, aspiration and ability to self-change and self-improvement.
systematic approach, developing education, activity, adult labor, socio-dramatic plays, systemic knowledge, subject position, self-change.
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