Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Annushkin Y. V.
AN EXISTENTIAL APPROACH TO EDUCATION // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №4. Педагогика. Pedagogy. - С. 164-171.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-4-164-171UDK: 37.036
The article explains the increasing role of an existential approach to modern education. We ana- lyze the causes of crisis of traditional social paradigm, which no longer correspond to the con- temporary cultural situation. Pedagogical science and practice of education for four hundred years have been developed in accordance with the canons of modern times as a purely rational system of objective knowledge, which excludes subjective, personal elements, as well as inter- nal meanings of education. It is noted that in modern conditions one of the most important fea- tures of a human is his ability to transcendence, internal uniqueness. We established the parallels between an existential approach to the humanities and modern conclusions of quantum physics. The axiological postulates of existential education are formulated on the basis of existential worldview attitudes.
education, existentialism, self-transcendence, personality, significance, worldview, value.
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