Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Dorzhieva G. S.
Yazykova A. A.
INCENTIVE REASONS OF BAIKAL ANEMONYMS // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №5. Филология. Philology. - С. 86-93.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-5-86-93UDK: 81.373.22
The article deals with the reasons for naming Baikal winds, or anemonyms. Anem- onym markers describe this natural phenomenon according to the place of its origin, or its direction, or its geography (verkhovik, sever). Relative anemonyms adopt rivers and mountain names (sarma, kedrovka). The study shows that the source of anemonyms is appellative vocabulary, the earliest anemonyms keep fea- tures of local dialects and differ from literary standards (nizovka, siver, shelonnik, kholoda). This group of anemonyms includes homonyms (hangar) and synonyms (kultuk - nizovik, Nizovka), as well as correlative pairs: direct and across, midday and midnight (poludennik and polunochnik), north east and north west (severo- vostochny and severo-zapadny) etc. The study of Baikal anemonyms reflects general and specific factors of regional onomastics development.
theory of nomination, onomastics, the reasons for naming, anemo- nyms, Baikal region.
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