Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Gimranova Y. A.
Markova T. N.
INTERTEXT OF TURGENEV IN VYACHESLAV KURITSINS’ STORY “DRY THUNDERSTORMS: FLICKER ZONE” // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №5. Филология. Philology. - С. 174-181.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-5-174-181UDK: 81-2
The article analyzes intertext of Turgenev in Vyacheslav Kuritsyn's story "Dry Thunderstorms: Flicker Zone". The writer-postmodernist radically changes the style and manner of Turgenev's characters communication, defiantly mixes high and low, refuting in this manner the classical forms of beauty by aesthetics of vile and ugliness. Kuritsin gives a second life for Turgenev‘s novel with the right of case text recognition, deliberately breaks the plot of story, placing it at another time, inhabiting with modern heroes. The author uses irony not for mocking or revelations, but in order to demonstrate the absolute irrelevance, uselessness of senses, describing in the primary source, for modern literature. Viacheslav Kuritsin has created a text that meets the basic features of postmodernism: the world as text and text as the world, eclecticism, denial of traditions, simulative reality, fatigue of culture, intertextuality, senses of meaning loss, life end, postmodern game, parody, total irony.
рostmodernism, classical tradition, intertext, remake, deconstruction.
List of references:
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