Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
El’bikova B. V.
The motif of Buddhist precepts compliance and violation in the fairy tale «Tsarevichs Narani-Gerel and Sarani-Gerel» and its interpretation in the foreign-language text // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №5. Филология. Philology. - С. 225-233.
The motif of Buddhist precepts compliance and violation in the fairy tale «Tsarevichs Narani-Gerel and Sarani-Gerel» and its interpretation in the foreign-language text
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-5-225-233UDK: 398.2(517)
The article actualizes the need for scientific understanding of the traditional spir- itual, moral and ethical concepts and traditional knowledge embodied in folk tales. We consider the motif of Buddhist precepts compliance and violation in original and translated texts of the tale "Tsarevichs Narani-Gerel and Sarani-Gerel" from the Mongol-Oirat collection of fairy tales "Siddhi Kur". The actions of the main characters have been analyzed through the prism of Buddhist precepts, and the rep- resentations of the Kalmyks‘ sin "kilnts" and virtue "buin" have been considered. We examine the completeness of Buddhist motifs reflexing in foreign language in- terpretations and assess the degree of crosscultural differences. The article is of in- terest to folklorists, linguists, ethnographists and cultural specialists.
the collection of fairy tales ―Siddhi Kur‖, Buddhist motifs, original and translated texts, distant cultures, Buddhist mentality.
List of references:
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