Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Kornienko M. A.
THEMATIZATION OF THE CONCEPT «INNER FORM OF THE WORD»: PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACH // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №6. Философия. Philosophy. - С. 40-47.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-6-40-47UDK: 130.122:8
The article reveals the heuristic completness of W. von Humboldt's thesis on the consistency of internal and external forms correlation. It is shown that these concepts may be separated only in abstraction, and while interpreting them we should come not from the idea of final synthesis, but from the thesis on initial recognition of the structure unity. The article proves that the concept of linguistic form has at its foundation not the idea of an element in language structure, not an empirical phenomenon of linguistic reality, but the language in its real essence, which is manifested as an image of the organic whole. The inaccuracy of W. von Humboldt’s definition of language substance is interpreted (the limits of sound and concept, between which the language basis or the inner life of a language is placed). The ready intention to be an expression of intellectual content is opened in observation of the language living process. In the article we prove that starting with the work of W. von Humboldt development of the principles and essential elements of a language are based on the inner form of a concept.
eidos, form, modification, structural unity, linguistic grounds, sound form, language substance, experience, language, natural philosophy, word, world, silence.
List of references:
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2. Shpet G. G. Vnutrennyaya forma slova. Etyudyi i variatsii na temy Gumbol’dta [The Inner Form of the Word. Etudes and Variations on Humboldt’s Themes]. Moscow: Librokom Publ., 2009. 216 p.

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