Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Baiborodov A. Y.
“BEING-TOWARDS-DEATH” AS A CONDITION AND AN OPPORTUNITY OF COEXISTENTIAL COMMUNICATION // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2016. №6. Философия. Philosophy. - С. 60-67.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-6-60-67UDK: 111.82:159.923.2
The article deals with the problem of coexistential communication within the context of possibility of death. “Being-towards-death” is an existential concept firstly suggested by M. Heidegger. In Heidegger’s ontology death appears as subject’s fundamental opportunity to “become in being”. In the article we reinterpret this concept in the light of coexistential communication. Coexistential communication is defined by us as a universal way of subjects’ co-being in their fundamental existential opportunity. The concept of “being-towards-death” becomes a specific mode of co-being in which the Other is perceived in his “authentic” way of existence as “upcoming” to fundamental nothingness of coexistence. “Being-towards-death” negates primary, existential way of co-being and acts as the principal condition of its transformation into coexistential co-being. Besides, “being-towards-death” is a specific form of reflection, focused on the Other and ways of co-being with him.
coexistential communication, co-being, “being-towards-death”, fundamental opportunity, solitude, ultimate meaning, mode of co-being, confrontation, non-existence, negation.
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