Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Philosophy

Bibliographic description:
Motorina L. E.
Sytnik V. M.
OBJECTIVE EXISTENCE: HUMAN’S ATTITUDE TO THINGS // BSU bulletin. Philosophy. - 2017. №2. Философия. Philosophy. - С. 3-11.
DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2017-2-3-11UDK: 572; 1/14
In the field of human research there are two methodological concepts – “universe of a human” (attitude to himself) and “human inside the universe”: attitude of a human towards the world of things (objective existence), attitude to another human (social existence) and attitude to the Absolute (the eternal, universal human dimension). In the unity they form existential human space. The article focuses on the analysis of objective existence of a human and on the main stages of his development: the stage of direct attitude to things, the stage of “mediated attitude”, where technique is used as a means, and the stage of dual mediation, at which technique as a means itself be- comes the necessary condition for emergence of another means, cyberspace; the last contains folded virtual realities in potential form. Changes in the structure of objec- tive existence cause changes in existential space. The widely discussed in the 20th century problem of “technique borders” gradually shifts to the periphery of the prob- lematic field, giving space to the problem of “human borders”. We have used the following methods: philosophical reflection in the mode of historic-philosophical and philosophic-anthropological research, methodological analysis of human atti- tude to the world, the method of comparative analysis, the unity of historical and logical.
existential space, human, world of things, objective existence, social existence, the Absolute, culture, technology, means space, virtual reality, cyberspace, human boundaries.
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