Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Kvach A. A.
RESULTS OF THE WORK OF TROITSKOSAVSK CITY PEOPLE'S REVOLUTIONARY COMMITTEE FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 16, 1920 TO APRIL 11, 1921 // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2022. №1. . - С. 15-20.
The article was supported by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian candidates of science (Competition — MK-2021) "Imperial Strategy of Cross-Border Security of Russia on the Eastern Frontier (the 19th — the early 20th centuries)", grant No. MK-6005.2021. 2.
DOI: 10.18101/2305-753X-2022-1-15-20UDK: 94(571.54-25)
The article summarizes the results of the work of Troitskosavsk City People's Revolutionary Committee for the period from July 16, 1920 to April 11, 1921. Particular attention is paid to the functioning of municipal government in the hard times of changing power, civil war and foreign military intervention. We also described the structure of Troitskosavsk governing bodies, namely the economic, financial, administrative, and transport departments. It became possible to build a complete picture of the activities of government bodies in the city in that period based on material from the State Archive of the Republic of Buryatia (SARB). An analysis of archive material allowed us to identify the members of Troitskosavsk City People's Revolutionary Committee. By studying the protocols, circulars, resolutions of the city's governing bodies, correspondence with other institutions, as well as correspondence between departments and appeals from the mem-bers of the people's revolutionary committees, we identified the key functions, goals and objectives of the emergency authorities in Troitskosavsk, as well as the problems that they were compelled to decide in difficult circumstances. We also determined a clear chrono-logical framework for the beginning of the activities of the city people's revolutionary committee. The exact date of the committee breakdown is still unknown. It is necessary to continue the study of Troitskosavsk city government, because despite the few studies on the history of the city, there are still a lot of gaps in the history of the municipal govern-ment. For the most in-depth immersion in the research topic, it is necessary to turn to ar-chival material, periodicals of that time, as well as to memoirs and diaries of participants in the events of those years.
the Far Eastern Republic, Troitskosavsk, district people's revolutionary com-mittee, general meeting of town council, city people's revolutionary committee, municipal government, Soviet power
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