Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Budayeva A. E.
S. YA. YERBANOVA — SCHOOL AND STUDENT YEARS (ON THE 120th ANNIVERSARY OF HER BIRTH) // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2023. №4. . - С. 38-46.
DOI: 10.18101/2305-753X-2023-4-38-46UDK: 94:33(092)
The article explores the school and student years of the legendary S. Ya. Yerbanova (Malakhirova) (1903–1987), which growth of personality took place in the hard peri-od of the revolutionary events from 1917 to 1922. In this anniversary year, it is im-portant to answer the question, "With what baggage of professional knowledge and education was Savranna Yakovlevna able to take a unique path – from an economist in a department to the Deputy Chairperson of the State Planning Committee of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic?" Life in Nizhneudinsk and Cheremkhovo, large cities for that time, where revolutionary transformations were taking place, shaped the progressive views of the girl from the Buryat ulus. Many ma-jor national economic achievements in the development of transportation infrastruc-ture, agro-industrial complex, and culture of Buryatia are associated with the name of S. Ya. Yerbanova and her colleagues. According to available information, Yerbanova was the first woman in the world to be a certified specialist who was able to work in a leadership position in the State Planning Committee. During the years of planned economy, this State institution performed the functions of the highest expert and sci-entific-coordination center. Many ideas of a galaxy of talented economists continue to live and develop for the benefit of the Republic. All this explains the attention to the question of the source of an active life position and a leading role in the devel-opment of women's economic activities.
student years, economist, planned economy, State Planning Committee, Buryatia, women's movement in Buryatia, first in the profession, women leaders, economic ed-ucation, industrialization of Buryatia.
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