Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Abaev N.
Feldman V.
Tradition in the context of synergetic paradigm of social cognition // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №2. . - С. 5-11.
Tradition in the context of synergetic paradigm of social cognition
DOI: 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-2-5-11UDK: 14
The paper tradition is represented as an attribute of society, one of the necessary conditions for its existence and development. The essence and content of social self-organization as a fundamental element of synergetic paradigm of social cognition. The substantiation of the main anti-entropic function of tradition in social re-ality.
tradition, traditional society, social cynergy, social self-organization, social organization.
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