Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Iminokhoyev A.
Kirichenko S.
Changes in Composition and Employment Structure of Verkhneudinsk / Ulan-Ude Population (1920th-1930th) // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2015. №4. . - С. 32-40.
Changes in Composition and Employment Structure of Verkhneudinsk / Ulan-Ude Population (1920th-1930th)
DOI: 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-4-32-40 UDK: 314.06(571.54)
In article are investigated consequences of political and economic transformations of the 1920th – the 1930th which are cardinally reflected on social structure of the Soviet society and led to changes in number and structure of the main segments of Verkhneudinsk/Ulan-Ude population. During this period one of the most important problem of the state policy was transformation of city structure and development of the city as the capital of the national republic. Authors trace changes of basic elements of social structure of urban population and tendencies for increasing number of workers and employees during industrial development of the city and urbanization processes. The similarity of political, social and economic conditions of development in the Buryat-Mongolian republic and the USSR in general was a basis that according to the main indicators of the situation in Verkhneudinsk/Ulan-Ude in the 1920th-1930th coincided with the picture characterizing urban population in a whole country. Thus belonging to any class, social layer or group was defined by features of demographic processes both in each social group, and in society in general. Thus, it exert impact on everyday’s life structure of the population during the considered period. Authors use the data of All-Union population censuses of the 1920th-1930th, archival and statistical materials allowing to trace dynamics of these major changes.
city, transformation, social structure, industrialization, urbanization, demographic processes, population censuses.

List of references:
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