Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Pykin V.
TO THE ISSUE OF REPRESSIONS IN THE ―SEMEISKY‖ REGIONS OF BURYAT-MOGOLIYA IN THE 20s–30s OF THE 20th CENTURY // BSU bulletin. Humanities Research of Inner Asia. - 2017. №3. . - С. 60-67.
DOI: 10.18101/2305-753Х-2017-3-60-67UDK: 930(470)
The article is devoted to the analysis of statistical data included in the seven volumes of
the Book on Memory of Victims of Political Repressions in the Republic of Buryatia. Particular
attention is paid to identifying the exact number of citizens repressed from the ―semeisky‖
regions of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR in the 1920s–1930s. In conclusion, the
author comes to the conclusion that the main source for determining statistical data is the
materials of the FSB Archive for the Republic of Buryatia, on the basis of which the lists
of seven volumes of the Book onMemory of Victims of Political Repressions have been
compiled. The analysis carried out by the author confirms the conclusion that the rehabilitation
process affected not all categories of repressed citizens in the Republic of Buryatia
Political repressions, Buryat-Mongolia, materials of the FSB archive for the RB, Book on Memory of Victims of Political Repressions, regions of compact residence of ―semeisky‖ descendants.
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