Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Medicine and pharmacy

Bibliographic description:
Dylenova E. P.
Randalova T. E.
Taraskin V. V.
Ganbaatar Z.
Biologically Active Substances of Rhei Tangutici Radices and Rhei Rhabarbari Radices // BSU bulletin. Medicine and pharmacy. - 2017. №2. . - С. 3-5.
Biologically Active Substances of Rhei Tangutici Radices and Rhei Rhabarbari Radices
UDK: 615.322
The results of the comparative analysis of the qualitative composition and quantitative content of anthracene derivatives equivalent to istizin in Rhei tangutici radices, collect- ed in Central aimak (Mongolia) and Rhei rhabarbari radices collected in Buryatia (Russia) using spectrophotometry method, are presented in the article. Anthracene de- rivatives (emodins, methyl chrysazin), tannins, flavonoids, coumarins and fatty oils were qualitatively detected in all samples (using standart methods). The content of an- thracene derivatives in R. tangutici radices (2,2–3,0%) meets the standards of State Pharmacopoeia (not less than 2%), and R. rhabarbari radices fails to meet the re- quiremetns. (0.5-1.1%).
Rheum palmatum L. var. tanguticum Maxim. ex Balf; Rheum rhabarbarum L.; radices; anthracene derivatives; biologically active substances.
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