Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

BSU bulletin. Medicine and pharmacy

Bibliographic description:
Nikolaev S. M.
Chukaev S. A.
Rodnaeva O. A.
Khitrikheev V. E.
CHOLERETIC ACTION OF CARTHAMUS TINCTORIUS L. DRY EXTRACT // BSU bulletin. Medicine and pharmacy. - 2021. №1. . - С. 3-8.
DOI: 10.18101/2306-1995-2021-1-3-8UDK: 615.324 : 017
The article presents the results of the research on the choleretic action of the dry extract from Carthamus tinctorius L. obtained in experimental studies.

The study was aimed at estimation of the choleretic action of dry extract from the aerial part of Carthamus tinctorius in intact white rats.

Research Methods. The extract was obtained by extraction of the plant material with 70% ethanol applying ultrasound treatment at a material-extraction ratio of 1:15. The extract ob- tained contains a significant amount of biologically active substances of phenolic nature. We collected bile in intact anesthetized rats weighing 180–200 g every hour for 4. The extract at experimental-therapeutic doses of 50–200 mg / kg was injected into the duodenum of rats; the control group received distilled water in an equivalent volume. We statistically processed the data using Mann-Whitney U test.
Research Results. We observed the acceleration of choleretic reaction with the expansion of the excreted bile volume due to activation of bile acid synthesis in animals treated with Car- thamus tinctorius extract. The established choleretic action of the obtained extract is associated with the influence of biologically active substances, mainly, phenolic compounds contained in the extract. It is known that phenolic substances stimulate the biligenic and choleretic functions of the liver. We consider that bile secretion is accelerated under the influence of this extract due to its phenolic compounds.
medicinal plants, Carthamus tinctorius, aerial part, dry extract, phenol com- pounds, intact rats, experimental doses, choleretic reaction, choleretic action
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