Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Nature of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Ulzetueva I. D.
Gomboev B. O.
THE CONDITION OF SURFACE WATER OF SELENGA RIVER BASIN // Nature of Inner Asia. - 2016. №1(1). . - С. 61-68.
Работа выполнена при частичной поддержке гранта РФФИ
№ 15-45-04291-р_сибирь_а
DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2016-1-61-68UDK: 550.4:556+550.47
The results of environmental studies of surface waters of the Selenga River Basin. The largest industrial enterprises of Mongolia and the Republic of Bu- ryatia (Russia) are located in the basin of this river, the water resources which are used for drinking, as well as for industrial and agricultural purposes. The Selenga River is brought large amounts of dissolved solids, nutrients, heavy metals and pollutants of human origin. The heavy metal content were studied in the Selenga River Basin in 2010–2014 gg. Samples were taken in more than
50 locations in Mongolia and Russia, which has been investigated by physicochemical parameters, the content of basic cations and anions. On Russian soil samples were taken from the Selenga River, starting from the state border to the river delta and its tributaries. In Mongolia, the studies were carried out not only in the Selenga River Basin, but also in places where there are industrial enterprises. The studied waters are weakly alkaline, bicarbonate-calcium com- position, there is excess of limit values in the waters fishery waters by Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn.
Heavy metal pollution in the territory of Russia starts from Naushky border post, which revealed high concentrations of copper and iron. Contamination of the Mongolian part of heavy metals (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, and others) in higher con- centrations is due hit industrial waste and sewage in the water tributaries. High concentration of heavy metals were identified in the samples Orkhon River and its tributaries, sewage plants.
hydrochemistry, river water, macro- and microelements, Selenga River Basin.
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