Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Nature of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Dorzhiev T. Z.
Bao Y.
Badmaeva E. N.
Vanchindorj B.
Urbazaev C. B.
FOREST FILES IN REPUBLIC OF BURYATIA FOR 2002–2016 // Nature of Inner Asia. - 2017. №3(4). . - С. 22-37.
DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2017-3-22-37UDK: 349:330.15(571.54)
The aim of paper is to uncover general situation with Forest fires in Republic of Buryatia since 2002 till 2016 years. We made the analysis of natural and anthropogenic factors of forest wildfires in different districts of republic.We identified unevenly distribution fires in area and time. There is dependencebetween level of forest wildfire and density of popula- tion. The most of fires are in central and in the most populated districts. The liquidation of fire in central districts is faster than in far districts. High level of fire is registered in Selenga Transbaikaliawere light coniferous forests dominate, dry climate and high level of visiting.
Republic of Buryatia, forest Fires, anthropogenic and natural Factors of Fire.
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