Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University

Nature of Inner Asia

Bibliographic description:
Rakhmonov R. R.
Raimov A. R.
STRUCTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF HUNTING ANIMALS IN BUKHARA // Nature of Inner Asia. - 2019. №2(11). . - С. 65-68.
DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2019-2-65-68UDK: 639.1 (575.3)
The article presents information on structure and distribution of hunting animals and other animal species in hunting farms of the Bukhara region. We have analyzed the environmental conditions of the habitat of these animals in hunting farms. Hunting farms are important for the development of hunting tourism, the conservation of biodiversity and the rational use of natural resources. 158 vertebrate species in Bukhara are officially classified as hunting animals; it is 8.2% of the hunting species in Uzbekistan. As a result of the study in 2014–2017 13 species of hunting animals were revealed in 5 hunting farms of the Bukhara region. An analysis of studies, reports and statistics has shown that in the reports submitted by hunting farms non- hunting and prohibited hunting species are mentioned. This suggests that hunters do not know exactly, which species belong to hunting animals and which are not.
reservoirs; hunting farms; poaching; biodiversity.
List of references:
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